An important information event will be at the Town Hall in Main Street on May 28th.
Presented by Victoria Police, the evening will discuss current drug issues, and current efforts to tackle any local issues as they arise. Against the backdrop of an alarming increase in the use of the synthetic drug ‘ice’ in rural and regional areas, guest speaker Glen Manton will discuss his experiences and what can be done.
Victoria Police area seeking input from all local residents. If you have ideas for the agenda of the evening, or specific questions you want answered, please send an email to Victoria Police liaison James Ross at
The event is sponsored by Outside the Locker Room, Ballarat Community Health, the Moorabool Community Leadership Program and Moorabool Shire Council.
Event Details
A Way Forward – Drug Information Evening
Town Hall, Main Street Bacchus Marsh
Thursday May 28th
7.30 – 9.00pm