A Bacchus Marsh man is furious after a taxi was sent, instead of an ambulance, for his son’s girlfriend who was doubled over in severe pain.
Andrew Porter told Neil Mitchell he arrived home yesterday morning to find his son’s girlfriend “doubled over in the foetal position”.
But he says despite her being in chronic pain, Ambulance Victoria chose to send a taxi to transport her to hospital.
“He said, ‘She’s not having a stroke or a heart attack so we’re sending a cab’,” Mr Porter said.
“She looked exceptionally unwell.”
Mr Porter said it took 30 minutes for the taxi to arrive, which then took the woman to the Ballarat Base Hospital.
“The nurses there were gobsmacked they sent her up in a cab with the amount of pain she was in,” he said.
Mr Porter said he was told there would be a two hour wait for an ambulance.
The woman is still in hospital today, diagnosed with a severe bladder infection and UTI.
Later Ambulance Victoria responded to 3AW Mornings, saying they will review this case and will talk to the patient.
In a statement, they said taxis can only be arranged in exceptional circumstances, when non-urgent care is required.